Sleeping King Studios is a labor of love, and the product of over a decade of open source development.

About Me

My resume details my professional accomplishments. Interested in my open source work? My portfolio shows some of my recent projects, or check out my GitHub profile for all of my public projects.

I work remotely but live in New York, New York with my wife, two cats, and a great many books.

Why Sleeping King Studios?

Born with an extremely common name, I wanted something more evocative to represent my work. I chose Sleeping King Studios as a nod to the Arthurian myths.

Why Open Source?

I've been a professional engineer for over a decade, and that experience informs my open source work. The projects I choose to work on are designed to smooth the sharp edges and fill in the gaps of the development process, reducing repetition and boilerplate code while providing powerful tools to build, test, and document applications.

About This Site

This portfolio site is built using Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages, using the Bulma CSS framework with icons provided by Font Awesome. Interactive elements are powered by Stimulus.

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Neither this site nor Sleeping King Studios will collect any information on our users or visitors, personal or otherwise.

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